Don’t Fire!

"Hahahaha! Aren't you the idiots who skipped class to play games and were scolded by Director Qin personally?" When Song Qingfeng walked around the academy, a round-faced young man pointed at them with contempt.

"They will be kicked into the class of wastrels!"

"No way! No class in our academy will accept such scum!"

Song Qingfeng's face turned dark. He had become notorious in the academy since everyone from the instructors to the disciples in every house knew about him.

"What did you say?!" Enraged, Lin Shao wanted to dash over to them but was stopped by someone.

"What? You want to mess with us?" Seeing others look their way, Liu Shijie got more blatant in his taunting, "Little kids from the Huang House!"

They were disciples of the Xuan House, where the threshold of entrance was the Master Warrior Realm!