A Comedy Livestream?

"I worked hard to do the task, and the reward is only a pack of cigarettes! How lame is this?!" Fang Qi was frustrated. "Does it have any special functions or something?"

Curiously, Fang Qi turned the exquisitely-made metal cigarette box in his hand but couldn't see anything special.

At this moment, a line of words suddenly appeared on the System Interface, [The Owner-Brand cigarettes are specially made by the System and can activate one's potential without any side effects.]

"Ugh?! Activate my potential?!" Fang Qi froze after looking at the explanation on the System Interface.

After all, snacks such as Sprite and Haagen-Dazs were just luxuries made by the System. Despite their great taste, they had no effects on people's strength. Only wealthy customers could afford them constantly while others would just have a taste of them occasionally.

Yet, this pack of cigarettes could activate the potential ability in one's body?!