A Bold Idea

After Song Qingfeng's breakthrough, Lin Shao and Xu Luo had also come close to the Master Warrior Realm from the peak of Official Warrior Realm!

They had been cultivating in their rooms, which was why they still didn't know what happened.

"What?! What happened?!" Due to his successful breakthrough, Song Qingfeng was in a great mood. But when he walked into the training field, he found that many of his classmates looked gloomy.

There was still some time before the class, but almost all the disciples looked heavy-hearted.

"Hey! Xi Qi! What's wrong with you? Are you sulky because I made the breakthrough one step before you?" Song Qingfeng patted Xi Qi's shoulder and said.

With their talents and cultivation strengths on the same level, they had been competing to see who was better. But now…

"Congratulations," Xi Qi answered him listlessly.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Song Qingfeng froze.