Come and Gain Levels!

When Wanyu found this small bookstore in this remote corner, it was already dark.

After searching for the book for most of the day, she saw a long line of people waiting in front of the shop when she came to this narrow street with some servants.

Usually, the closer to downtown in Jiuhua City, the safer it was. This area was obviously better than the location of Fang Qi's shop.

Of course, Zhang Wanyu wouldn't stand in line as everyone else did. She walked to the front of the line and asked, "Is this the place where the Diablo novel is sold?"

At this moment, a servant-looking young man paid for the book happily. Yu Zhiwei looked up at the woman standing in front of her and said politely, "I'm sorry, but they're sold out."

"Sold out..." Zhang Wanyu froze. "We just arrived, and the books are sold out?!"