Come and Train You Mind

At this moment, Puzhi's voice rang out from the screen, "You are from the Green Cloud Faction? Isn't the Green Cloud Faction the No. 1 Righteous Faction in the world?! How can you, an evil and vicious cultivator, come from this faction?!"

A moment ago, this black-clothed man planned to create a spiritual artifact by using the corpse of a child, which was a despicable crime in this world.

When the Godly Sword Lightning-Controlling True Spell was about to strike down, Puzhi looked weak and helpless.

"He's in danger!" Some people were anxious.

What would happen to this holy monk and those two boys?

While everyone waited for the answer, the big screen dimmed, and this message was displayed, [The end of the second episode.]

They waited for a long time, but the third episode didn't come. Instead, the shop owner announced, "That's the end of today's livestream."


"What do you mean?!" Everyone was stupefied!