A Competition of Courage? Disciples of Shengjing and Xiyi Will Play It!

At this moment, Xu Zixin and Shen Qingqing decided to watch the others first, considering the creepy atmosphere in the game.

Lin Shao and Xu Luo glanced at Song Qingfeng, asking, "Young Master Song, shall we play it again?"

Song Qingfeng wasn't a faint-hearted guy. After hearing the others' words, he found the game less scary now.

After some consideration, he said, "Let's play it! It's only one monster, and we can always run if we can't defeat it. Besides, it is just a game, and we had died many times in the games before!"

At this thought, he wasn't as afraid as a moment ago.

"Hehe! You're right! Young Master Song!" Lin Shao said loudly.

"Let's continue! We'll just run when we encounter that thing again! We just tried and escaped it!" Meanwhile, the others came and stood behind them, wanting to see if other creepy situations would come up and thus get themselves prepared emotionally.