We’ll never go to the Cultivation Realm!

"Mr. Lu." The huge spiritual boat hovered in the sky outside the headquarters of the Wuwei Daoist Alliance, and it almost covered half of the sky. "The Wuwei Daoist Alliance is a major force. Do you really think that three spots are enough for them?"

Sitting on the spiritual boat, the young man swirled the ruby-colored liquid in the exquisitely-made jade cup in his hand and said calmly, "In the past 30 years, the Wuwei Daoist Alliance has done nothing meaningful. The three spots are what they get for their inaction."

[TL Note: Inaction means Wuwei in Chinese.]

He snickered. "In my opinion, even three spots are more than what they deserve! If not for their good performance in the last Cultivation Realm Conference 30 years ago, they wouldn't be able to get even three spots!"

The white-bearded and white-haired old man standing beside him treated the young man with great respect.
