The Curtain Falls

"Guys!" Lan Mo received a message, and his face turned grim when he read it. Then, he gathered people like Xue Daolv and Ye Songtao to his side.

"I just received a message that those big families have cut off all the spiritual artifacts and mineral resources sales channels of our Wuwei Daoist Alliance!"

"This is outrageous!" Ye Songtao's face turned livid.

"They can only bully us! They don't dare to smash this shop!" Xue Daolv also looked furious.

"Alliance Master Lan, what do you think that we should do?"

"In my opinion," Lan Mo said, "We can stall them and keep this situation undercover for a while."


"What else can we do?" Lan Mo said, "We've placed our bets. If we submit to them now, they will think that we are weak and are afraid of them. Do you think they will be good to us?"

"It is better if we work together and take the risk!"

Ye Songtao and Xue Daolv could do nothing but smile bitterly at each other.