The Other Side of Half City

It would be a big mistake if one thinks that the outer city represented the whole city. This city also had beast-drawn carriages, but…

Fang Qi looked at the fierce brawny demon beast in front of him. It looked like a huge black dog, and it snorted and opened its mouth, almost swallowing Fang Qi in whole!

"Hey! Friends! Where are you going?" A guy wearing a short-sleeved shirt sat on the top of the carriage and asked with a chuckle.

Fang Qi and Zou Mo stepped onto the carriage. "Please take us to the city center and tell us if there's a downtown area in the city."

"First time in Half City?" The guy laughed and said, "You got the right person to answer all your questions!"

"The people outside of the city might have some misunderstandings about this city," The guy said, "In my opinion, I think this place is much better than the big forces such as countries and empires! It's quite safe here!"