Establish Dominance Casually

"Boss... shall I go and get the city patrol team..." Zou Mo looked alarmed when these people came up and surrounded them. "I remember that a team of city guards who are all cultivator just passed this crossing!"

"Anyone! Help us!" Zou Mo yelled immediately.

Those four people who were surrounding Fang Qi and Zou Mo paused and looked at them while sneering. "Are you new in the city?"

The team of city guards came back and saw the situation here. They asked, "What's happening?"

"Black Demon is doing business!" a cloaked man walked up from the side and said in a deep voice.

"Oh," the city guards said, "Please continue."

Then, they turned around and left.

"Hey!" Zou Mo was stupefied. "Don't go! Hey!"

"What's wrong with this city?!" The people watching the livestream almost spat out blood on the big screens.

The smile on the face of the bald cultivator turned colder. "Go on. Keep yelling if you can!"