Heaven-Defying Online Games Guild Is Here to Smash Your Shop!

While they talked, Fang Qi was busy.

"How come I feel like I'm watching a movie." Fang Qi took out a container of Haagen-Dazs and glanced at Ruan Ning and the others, asking, "Would you like a container of Haagen-Dazs? Five crystals for a container! The autumn is coming."

Fang Qi opened the container and scooped a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. While glancing at the calendar, he said, "They are only available for one more week! You won't have a chance to try this in one week!"

After all, they were only available in the summer!

Ruan Ning and the other girls looked confused.

Tao Kun and the others looked at him questioningly as well.

What is the shop owner doing?! Enemies came to beat you at your shop, and you're still selling snacks?!

Standing behind them, Zou Mo's face twitched.

"Do you know about his cultivation strength!?" Ruan Ning said anxiously, "Divine Ocean Realm! Divine Ocean Realm!"