The Reputation Is Established

"I haven't finished my cigarette yet..." Fang Qi sucked on the cigarette in pity. "It's such a short battle!"

While blowing out smoke, he glanced around, and the girls who were still stunned by the scene backed away from him in a group.

"Stay away! I must make sure that you are not an old demon who used some evil method to regain your youth!" Ruan Ning was getting anxious.

Are you kidding me? You can't reach this realm even if you began cultivating before you were in your mom's belly!

Even though that Hell Blood Demon had just gotten out of imprisonment and was weak since it couldn't use its full force, it wasn't something that everyone could handle!

The only explanation was that this Guild President who looked to be in his twenties was actually an old demon who was hundreds of years old!

Some people in this city are like this! They are old, and they are perverts! With this thought, Ruan Ning was even more at unease!