Mr. Fang’s Paradise

- Yundian Upper Realm -

"How are things going in the Cultivation Realm?" Gongyang Jun asked, "The extra spots that Messenger Feng promised us..."

"Our candidates have all gained access to Cultivation Realm, and the Three Saint Gate gave us the spots that should be for the Wuwei Daoist Alliance," Gongshu Kuo said, "It's heard that Messenger Feng spoke for us and did a lot of work."

"Then, we must do our part as well," Gongyang Jun smiled smugly. "Otherwise, we'll look bad. If they refuse to submit, we'll take down some of their cities, conquer the Wuwei Daoist Alliance, and even besiege Jingshi."

Gongshu Kuo nodded, thinking that it was a good deal for them to deal with the Wuwei Daoist Alliance in exchange for three spots. "You can make the arrangements."


While Ji Wu and his men were searching for the entrance to the Corpse King Hall, Mr. Fang decided to check the so-called Qzone.