A Little Game - the King of Fighters

While Gongsun Chui and Gongyi Xiu played the Legend of Mir 2 sulkily, Mr. Fang was in a good mood, "Enough! I finally have enough money to buy the King of Fighters and the joysticks!"

"What are those?" People like Liu Ningyun and Huangpu Tao, who were visiting Mr. Fang in his Qzone, looked baffled.

"The King of Fighters? Is it related to King Warrior?"

"Look at how smug you are!"

"What's the use of this thing?" They watched Mr. Fang while he attached the joysticks to the computer that he had bought earlier.

"Computer?" Ruan Ning had been wanting to ask this question long ago. "Why did you buy a computer in Qzone? It's so expensive!"

"I'm gonna use it to play games," Fang Qi answered.

"Play games?!" The others were at a loss for words. "Can we play the Legend of Mir 2 in here?"

"There's no Legend of Mir 2 here," Fang Qi said, "There are some small games to train your reflexes and combat rhythm, but they are not important."