The Battle with Orochi; Startled by the Interlude Animation

"Sir! You are going to use Chizuru Kagura?" Song Qingfeng was surprised since Mr. Fang usually used Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, but rarely Chizuru Kagura.

At this moment, Fang Qi had just finished the first round, and Chizuru Kagura still had more than half of her HP. The situation looked good.

"Ugh? Chizuru Kagura?" Nanhua Heavenly Fairy Liu Ningyun was also puzzled. "Can he fight to the end with this character?"

Since Chizuru had no long-range moves and seemed to not have great combos, they had played her for a while before giving up.

"Oh! You're playing the King of Fighters?" Still eating instant noodles, Huangpu Tao pulled over a bench and sat behind Fang Qi to watch him play.

It was time for breakfast, and Mo Tianxing and the others also stood behind to watch the game while eating instant noodles.

"What's that?" Even the aloof Xichi Spiritual Master came over curiously and watched him play.