The Group Tour to the Fantasy World

No one knew or cared about what was happening outside. The entirety of Dajin was like a peaceful haven floating in a heavy storm. Another night passed peacefully after the warm and cozy candlelight was blown out.

However, in the distant Nanhua Faction at the Morning Star Sea Realm, it was a stormy night.

The disappearance of many disciples had alerted the high-level cultivators of the Nanhua Faction. However, no one noticed that something was slowly growing in the faction's most sacred location, the Forbidden Place where no one dared to enter.

"Not enough… this is not enough…" In the darkness came a husky and deep voice. It was speaking the human language, but it sounded like the growls of a wild beast. "Go and find more for me, and I'll give you more power!

"Let more people submit to me…"