The Imminent Battle of the Royal City

At this moment, Mr. Fang received a new task.

[New task: The Otherworldly Journey Starting from Harry Potter

Target for Completion: the activation number for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone reaches 300

Task Reward: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Task description: This is a full-scale educational tour of the other worlds]

"What's wrong?" They chanted the incantation again, but still, nothing happened.

"Obviously, your tones and rhythm when chanting the incantation were wrong. Besides, the injection of spiritual essence wasn't right either." In a good mood, Ning Bi surprisingly opened her mouth and explained to them, "In addition, even a wizard can't cast spells without the assistance of a magic wand, let alone a bunch of beginners like you."

At this stage, it was still difficult for them to change one object into another, let alone changing people.