Taking the Risk

"Boss, you're so strong!"

In a remote alley stood a long-faced cultivator with a bandage on his face. He was flanked by two young cultivators with bruised faces. The three men didn't have high cultivation strengths.

Before them, there was a robust black-cloaked cultivator, who looked like an iron tower, emitting a gloomy and chilly evil aura. In his hand was a big bag made of human skin; it was obviously a good spiritual artifact.

"This girl interrupted our business and even beat us!" The cultivators with a bandage on his face sneered, "Luckily, we have you, Boss!"

"Hehehe…" The others rubbed their hands and laughed coldly. "Boss, your Soul-Binding Bag is indeed powerful. This girl got hit before she had time to react!"

"Right! The bag just engulfed her instantly!" The cultivator with bandage said, "She even didn't have time to scream! Hahahaha!"