Everyone, Come and Rob

"Two pistols?!"

"What can they do with two pistols?"

The surrounding audience looked baffled, wondering how they could deal with about 20 people with only two pistols.

After all, the characters that they played were only ordinary people.

"You'll know later. Buckle up." Mr. Fang drove to the address that Lester gave him. It was a multi-story parking lot, and Mr. Fang drove directly to the platform on the top of the building. He saw about ten gang members on the top platform in groups of three or two, and he stepped on the gas peddle and charged at them!

"Lower your head!"

"Ahh!" Shrills sounded while Mr. Fang bumped several gangster members and sent them flying. Then, he drove the car over the bodies and killed anyone who hadn't been killed by the previous hit.

All the others looked at Mr. Fang in a daze.

"Clear this side first!"