The Armored Car Will Take You Flying

[New task: Booming Sales

Task Target: Number of GTA 5 players reaches 3,000

Task Reward: Gaming Prize Wheel (Can win a game on the wheel), one lucky treasure chest

Task Description: It should be a piece of cake for this game to reach the sales target of 3,000, right?]

Mr. Fang was at a loss for words after seeing this.

In fact, including the customers who didn't come each day, the two shops now had about 10,000 customers, and it was a booming business. To make it easy for Jiang Xiaoyue, Mr. Fang allowed her to move a computer to the counter so that she didn't have to run to the counter every time to take payment.

Fortunately, many of the players came to develop their forces in the Legend of Mir 2, such as members of the Jiuhua Army, the Royal Guard, and the Black Demon Guard.