Hidden Crisis

- Jiuhua City Shop -

Different from the all-year-round gloomy sky in Half City, this city was usually blessed with warm sunshine.

Even though it was early winter, the sunshine in the sky still brought people warmth.

Looking through the big glass window, one could see several young warriors practicing fist techniques on the street.

A young man wearing purple clothes swung his right hand toward the ground in a hook shape and yelled, "Die!"

Heated warrior qi turned into a bright red flame and shot to the ground at a great speed.

"Haha… Hahaha… Hahahaha!" The young man stuck his fingers in his hair and gave the trademark laughter. "From now on, call me Iori Yagami!"

"Get out!" Lin Shao rolled his eyes at him, "Iori Yagami's Shiki Yami Barai shoots purple flames, but yours is red with the warrior qi from your Song Family's Six-Sun Spell. It's better for you to learn the fist techniques of Kyo Kusanagi."