The Most Righteous Spiritual Spell in the World

- Origins Internet Club in Jiuhua City -

Despite the storm outside, this shop was always lively with a big crowd.

"Well! When I first came to this shop, it only had a few seats." Nalan Hongwu lounged on a couch and said, "But now, it's so huge."

"Hehe, Senior, you were not here on the first day of business," Song Qingfeng said with a smile. "When I came, it was so small that there were only four computers. Four!"

"At that time, only me, this fat guy, and Old Liang were here." He pointed at Wang Tai and Liang Shi who were busy eating instant noodles and said, "There was only Resident Evil and nothing else. It was completely different from now."

"Right!" Lin Shao said in a loud voice, "You probably didn't experience that. We didn't have online games or online games guilds; we all played solo!"

"Hahaha! The Shop Owner was a great player back then, and we watched him play every day."