The World-Ending Sword 23

A 1,000-step stairway led to the main gate of the Taixi Faction, disciples of Taixi Faction were swarming up like waves through the wide steps!

Furthermore, several extremely powerful auras soared up into the sky inside the faction!

"Who dares to mess with our Taixi Faction?!" a clear yell sounded.

"In the dream, I lay on snow-like jade in the clear void," a male chanted the words.

Another voice continued, "Looking back on the mortal world, 1,000 years have passed!"

"Singing in the northern wind and laughing in the sky," a female voice chanted, "I return to the peak of Taixi and seek Dao!"

Four figures stood at the top of the gate which was so high that it looked like a sharp sword piercing into the clouds.

People looked up and saw four celestial-looking cultivators standing there with their robes flapping and hair and beard fluttering in the wind; they looked like immortals descending into this world!