The Law of Time

Dante's elder brother, Vergil, who moved in the human world, visited Dante's place. To gain more strength, he decided to awaken the power of their father, Sparda. While he searched for the forbidden book which contained the information about Sparda, he met Arkham who urged him to awaken the demonic tower, Temen-ni-gru, which had been sealed in the prehistoric times; this tower contained the portal leading to the demon world.

Under the setting sun, the ground cracked, and rocks surged up like waves. Looking down from the sky, the audience saw the huge city center consisting of all kinds of buildings which extended to the horizon.

In the center of these buildings, the ground suddenly cracked open, and a huge and grand tower slowly rose.

Wearing a blue windbreaker, Vergil stood on the tower. His chiseled face looked like a perfect demon statue under the setting sun, and the god of death lay on the ground behind him like an obedient pet.