A Strange Person Slipped In

Well! You can't even give me some rest during the new year holiday, Mr. Fang thought to himself about the System in contempt while he explained the events to Su Tianji and other customers.

The System Interface showed the following lines. [Host, please be ambitious and motivated.]

"Ambitious? Am I not ambitious enough?" Mr. Fang said unwillingly, "I cultivated hard each day, got all S rankings in all of Dante's missions, defeated all opponents with one hand in the King of Fighters, became the best driver in Grand Theft Auto 5… I even play Vergil well despite the fact that I just began the game. Don't you know how I obtained my high cultivation strength?!"

System: "The Super Gift Box contains luxurious new year gifts. It's the host's choice to do the task or not."

Mr. Fang instantly brightened and got energetic. "When did I say that I wouldn't do it?!"