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Yuanyang City looked peaceful and didn't need guards to patrol the city all the time like in Jiuhua City.

Fang Qi saw few guards in the city, but it was very safe to walk around as its security level was high; he didn't see anyone who dared to fight inside the city.

Taiwang Inn in the city was especially established to receive the people who were here for the Heavenly Academy and their groups and let them rest. Of course, there were different sections in Taiwang Inn. The inner section received geniuses from super forces, and the outer section was where Mr. Fang was staying right now.

However, even the ground of the outer inn was paved with jade-like white stones, and the pillars were made of mystical bronze. Beautifully engraved pavilions and corridors were everywhere. With crowds of young cultivators of excellent talents walking around, it definitely was not an ordinary inn.