Still Your Boss

"Drive over?" Jiang Xiaoyue blinked. "Boss, did you buy a carriage?"

"I wonder what kind of demon beast is pulling his carriage…" She looked up into the sky and said, "It can't be as good as mine! My mount is a prehistoric rare beast, the best of the best; I'll scare the dumb boss a little with it!" 

She smiled smugly. After all, she was no longer the girl who had no money but had a big appetite.

Meanwhile, Mr. Fang had gotten in the car. "You guys watch the shop for me. I'll go pick up someone and be back soon."

"Well… Guild President." Li Lanruo looked at the doors of the spiritual artifact that were opened like a pair of metal wings, saying, "No flying spiritual artifacts can fly inside Yuanyang City. Can your small flying boat… can it work?"