Are You All Like This When Playing Games?

"The sword… sword slaves died just like that?!"

Everyone backed off when Fang Qi landed as if he was a plague. The cultivators, who had swarmed up and even wanted to grab Fang Qi's treasures after he was killed, now felt goosebumps all over their bodies!

They had witnessed how horrifying the sword slaves were!

Many people here couldn't block one attack from their swords since the sword techniques of the sword slaves were so advanced, let alone that they had no weaknesses and had the strange ability of not dying!

For them, such humanoid war machines were nightmarish.

They couldn't imagine what would happen if such a horrifying nightmare fell on their heads.

They had no way of dealing with it, and it was impossible to resist!

However, just a moment ago, these two terrifying sword slaves just kneeled before the young man and killed themselves at his order!