Battle With Memes When Disagreeing

On the Sky-Patrolling Spiritual Ship.

The black-robed Daoist, the Baoping Spiritual Master, and Feng Yangzi tinkered with the thin layer of mist before them but couldn't get a clear view.

"Damn it! Who set up this complicated array?!" the black-robed Daoist cussed, "What the heck are they up to?"

"How about the Seventh Girl? Can you reach her?" Baoping Spiritual Master asked.

"Yes!" Feng Yangzi said while holding his communication jade, "She said… there's a small situation over there."

"A small situation? Can she handle it?"

"She said there is no problem." They walked over to read the communication jade.

"No problem? That's good." The black-robed Daoist heaved a sigh of relief.

- Meanwhile, in the area of 'no problem' -