GG for All

"What's the shop owner doing?"

At this moment, there was one less godly weapon fragment in the System Interface.

[Character Can Be Completely Synchronized: Jing Tian

Synchronization Time: Determined by the strength of the synchronization character (The higher the character's strength, the shorter the synchronization time is)

Number of Usages: One]

With the Demon-Suppressing Sword in his hand, Mr. Fang stood on the edge of the clouds and looked down.

A hole appeared in the cloud-like, pitch-black murderous spirit, and the people on the ground looked up and felt like there was a vaster world behind the layers of murderous spirit and mountain-like white clouds.

The figure holding the Demon-Suppressing Sword looked like an immortal general who was descending from the Heavenly Realm. With his clothes flapping in the wind, he looked down at the mortal world.