From the Shadows

The Half City Shop and the Jiuhua City Shop had begun recruiting new clerks.

Since each shop had two senior and experienced employees, the new clerks didn't have to be very familiar with the games and business in the shop.

The process went on smoothly.


The sky above Jiuhua City turned pitch-black.

It was 9 AM of a day in spring. The weather had been getting warmer, but it suddenly turned colder than winter.

The booming thunders seemed to be pouring their fury into the ground, and black waves surged in the wide canal in Jiuhua City and pushed the boats and ships docking at the harbor by the bank up and down.

The strong gales howled in the sky and across the river. The black water in the river got darker, and the gales pushed up huge waves, almost sweeping a few strong boatmen off their boats. Fortunately, these boatmen had some basic training in martial arts and tightly held onto the ropes on the boats.