Whoever Chickens out Is the Loser

Sitting in the easternmost part of the continent, Dajin bordered on the vast ocean in the east. The celestial islands stood in the ocean, which were home to many cultivators and some factions.

Birds flew in the misty sky above the Eastern Ocean. Sword energies could be vaguely seen as they traveled close from the distant horizon and landed on the shore of the Northern Ocean. Then, they flew to the south. About 15 minutes later, the people flying on the swords saw a huge prosperous human city that was cut through by a canal.

Looking from the distant sky, they could see this city was much larger than Half City. On the outer range of the city were rows of residential houses built with black bricks and white tiles, and the streets and alleys ran across each other with big and small rivers winding through the residential areas. One-third of the streets in the city were waterways, and they could see boats traveling in the rivers.