Every Place Is A Scenery

The people were teleported in three groups. At this moment, the first group including the cultivators of Yuxu Mountain, Xuanzhong Manor, and other forces had arrived at the teleportation platform on Zixiao Mountain.

The next group consisted of the cultivators of Dajin and warriors of the three major academies.

"Did you mention it to Young Master An?" Some soldiers of the Jiuhua Army were whispering among themselves. Since they were serving in the army, they could come and watch the teleportation array but couldn't take this long trip due to their drills and duties in the military each day.

"Of course, I did!"

"What are you guys whispering about? You look mysterious," an officer of Jiuhua Army asked.

After a long pause, one of them answered, "Captain, you might not know this, but this kid got to know a super cute little girl and got her QQ ID from her. Since we are on duty, we asked Young Master An to…um… have a look of her for us…"