Great Teammate and Seamless Teamwork (I)

"Sir, can we do it or not?"

"Of course, we can!" Fang Qi said confidently.

"Okay! Count me in!" Although Zong Wu was still hesitant, he still joined the team.

There were few people around; some of them looked doubtful after being crushed by the mechanical bull, and they were hesitating. That passerby hesitated for a while and said, "Can I… join you? I'd like to try."

Fang Qi nodded and invited him into his team.

He was a spitfire (a subclass of gunner), and his ID was 'Master Zhou'.

Fang Qi couldn't recall this person from his memory; it was clear that he had come into the shop after Fang Qi went to the Half City Shop.

However, he was obviously not a noob player since he had reached level 48 and finished the missions leading to Vilmark - Area 50.

Fang Qi checked his teammates' equipment and skill levels before leading them into Vilmark - Area 50.