Mr. Fang’s Competition Will Be Cancelled?

In the huge palace, the man who wore the set of fancy silver armor and had two strange golden patterns between his brows inhaled the fragrance of the nectar in his cup with an intoxicated expression. "Since this trip is so boring, why don't we create some entertainment? It will be fun to watch these backward, ignorant barbarians struggle in despair, right?"

"Should we inform the other lords?" The white-robed man with the humble expression asked.

The silver-armored man swirled the wine cup in his hand with enjoyment and didn't reply.

The man with the humble expression seemed to understand something, and he bowed and backed out with his head lowered.

Meanwhile, in the cottage where the influential people had been talking about the broadcast of the E-Sports Competition.

Vice Academy Master Xiao looked at Gu Tingyu with a pale face as he asked, "What… should we do now?!"