The Outlanders Who Were Stupefied by the Opening Cinematics

The advanced civilization on this land had been destroyed many years ago.

In the ancient war, immortals had died, and the continent was shattered.

In the eyes of the people who regarded themselves as advanced existences, this barbaric civilization that was just emerging from waste was something beneath their notice.

For them, these people were similar to a group of apes and primitive humans.

"Lady Jessica!" Respectfully, a maid stood beside a blonde woman who was lounging lazily on a big chair covered in fur pelts. Her crimson eyes oozed wickedness and a blood-thirsty aura.

She stretched a bit as if she were not here to battle but to take a holiday.

For her, a skirmish of this level couldn't be called a war.

It was only an easy one-sided suppression; nothing more.