West Lake Is So Beautiful in March

"Master… why do you think people like Uncle-Master Xuyu and Uncle-Master Wuchen Zi refuse to come here?" Zhuge Yu ate a spicy stick and then sipped some iced red tea with enjoyment before asking the question.

"They are not interested in the games and TV Series featuring battles. After all, the games and TV Series here are all about this," Fairy Qing Yun said, "If one day, the cultivation world is in danger, they will come out and help. But in my opinion, the cultivators from either the Spiritual State or other places are working diligently; there's no need for your uncle-masters to come out."

"Hmph! They keep asking us to mail them iced red tea," Zhuge Yu mumbled, "We should ask them to come here and grow vegetables."

"Yu'er! You must be respectful to your seniors!" Fairy Qing Yun said solemnly.


"Don't talk about them; let's eat instant noodles first!"