Is the World Round or Square?

There had been heated discussion among the people in this world as to what lay beyond the starry sky and if the world had an end, what would the end look like.

When StarCraft was first released in the shop, the cultivators and warriors had argued about these topics.

Just like what Mr. Fang had said, they were in fact living on the planets. Although Mr. Fang stated it as a fact with his life experience and knowledge that he obtained before he traveled through space and time, no one in this world believed him.

This argument was paused since Mr. Fang was busy with the release of Dungeon Fighter Online and the organization of the E-Sports competition. Now that these tasks were finished, the System's words reminded him of the previous debate…

Mr. Fang scratched his head and wondered, Right… What does this world look like…?

- The group chat that people created in QQ to talk about if the world was round or square -