Super Su Tianji Cannon?

"Hey! Did you hear that?" 

Helen spent last night thinking about how to open her genetic lock and didn't sleep well. Coming to the headquarters of the knight legion groggily, she heard people talking about things like war and the Continent of Immortal Relics.

"It's said that those damn natives used despicable methods and captured the Vanguard General Carl, that genius named the 'Spear of Sunlight' of the Leison Family, and 'Shadow Spirit' Ms. Jessica! Oh! I can't imagine the torture and pain that our beautiful and smart Ms. Jessica must be enduring in that place!"

At this moment, Jessica was biting into a rind of melon while sitting on a couch in the Yuanyang City Shop. "Achoo!"

She was baffled. "Who's talking about me?"

"Achoo!" Carl had a cup of wine - oh no - a cup of iced red tea in his hand. He sneezed as well as he said, "Ah! I spilled it again! My pants! I did it again!"

Kevin said, "How come I'm fine?"