How Come We Can’t Watch the Battles?

This man was brown-haired and about 50 years old. He said with intense disdain in his eyes, "Little Guy, you shouldn't have come here."

The moment he said it, Gabriel raised his blood-covered right hand before him and opened his fingers.

While his fingers opened, a blood-colored vortex began to slowly take shape.

The moment the blood-colored vortex was formed, the black-armored knight suddenly felt that the huge dragon beneath him was flying toward Gabriel against its will. 

Bloody Twister!

The horrifying blood-colored vortex could immobilize anything and seal any force before it. If anything were sucked into it, there was no getting away!

"You are seeking death!" As a lofty sky knight, this black-armored knight was furious that he was challenged by a young man who had barely reached level 7. He slashed out his sword viciously, and a huge sword energy flew out, intending to cut Gabriel into two halves.