You Bunch of Noobs; Don’t Ever Come Again

Black winds surged up like turbulent waves.

The Morning Star of Flames, Austin, turned his head and saw the big black robe that was fluttering in the crazy wind.

With a huge sickle in his hand, this figure looked like the God of Death from Hell.

Before Land of Thorns Wilson hovered a figure who seemed to be condensed from the falling raindrops.

Different from the black-robed figure before Austin, this figure looked slimmer, and her sickle emitted a dark golden light.

"What did you say?" Wilson looked as if he had heard a hilarious joke.

His strength was even greater than Austin's; he was the strongest of the whole invasion army.

But now, he heard a barbaric native claim that they would keep him here?!

Even in his own continent fraught with masters, no one dared to say these words to him, let alone a place like this!

"That is…" At this moment, many Spiritual State cultivators and warriors froze in puzzlement.