Do You Know Who Altair Is?

While the elves talked among themselves, Commander Elven, who stood first in line, paid and took out an exquisite coffee mug from the cabinet next to the counter.

The rich milk fragrance mingled with coffee aroma permeated the air.

"Sniff!" In the new shop in Canglan City, the elves sitting on the sofa sniffed forcefully.

"What's it?"

"Ugh? How come it smells so good?!" The elves sitting on the couches with disdain on their faces looked over.

The elf who brought fruits with him also looked over in puzzlement, pausing in his act of biting into his fruit.

Soon, they saw Sala and other elves walking over, each holding a mug of Cappuccino.

The members of Golden Griffin Knight Legion each had one mug of Cappuccino as well.

The rich aroma of milk and coffee filled the whole shop.

The elf eating fruit inhaled deeply twice.

The elf named Ginz in the Elder Guard Team was at a loss for words.