The New Task for the Large-Scale Online Game —World of Warcraft

"Is this the true power of Master Ezio?" Elina and other assassins were at a loss for words. They had only experienced such smooth moves in the game. The attacks and counterattacks were all perfectly used!

It was enjoyable to watch such perfect moves.

"Is he really an assassin?!" The assassins who were watching the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection in the prison were stunned.

Honestly, if they met these black-robed ascetics, they would have been pierced instantly.

In their mind, assassins should hide in the darkness and launch deadly attacks at the very moment that they made their appearance.

But now, looking at the corpses on the ground inside and outside of the godly palace, they wondered how this assassin could be so powerful!

In their mind, assassins should kill targets with one strike from the darkness.