I Control My Destiny and Not the Heavens! The Grandest Eulogy of Humans!

From the perspective of the Ninth Heaven Mystic Fairy, the Qionghua Faction had turned evil in their minds, and the Heavenly Dao wouldn't allow such evil people to ascend and become immortals.

However, Xuan Xiao thought that the Heavenly Dao was only an excuse of the God Realm. How could one word from the God Realm decide the fate of mortals?

"Heaven is above me, so I respect it. However, if the God Realm wants to push me around, you can keep on dreaming!"

The Ninth Heaven Mystic Fairy's voice remained mild, "Ignorant mortals think that their lives are as tiny as weeds and regard the gods and immortals as lofty beings. However, you don't understand the rules of the Heavenly Dao. Even gods and immortals have to follow the Mandate of Heaven."

The Qionghua Faction Chief Su Yao murmured, "Mandate of Heaven. Do you mean that the dream which the Qionghua Faction had pursued for generations is just a fabricated fantasy?!"