You’re Entrusted with the Glorious Task of Saving Humans!

"Hey! Hey! What classes did you guys choose?" In the Yuanyang City Shop, many disciples of Heavenly Academy had chosen to join the Alliance.

"Mage." Xun Yuan, the genius of the Xun Family, said, "Did you have to ask?"

"I plan to play as a human warrior. What about you, Xiaoyue?" Yue Bai and Mu Qing, Jiang Xiaoyue's good friends in the Heavenly Academy, had made their decisions.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at their screens and then at the screen of the big white deer. "Little Bell, what did you choose?"

"I saw them all choosing the orc or tauren, so I followed suit and chose tauren too!" The big white deer complained in its baby voice, "There are only bull-headed people but no deer-headed people?"

The demon clan obviously all chose the Horde.
