The first battle begins! Warsong Gulch!

The internet café was bustling. As soon as this treasure was discovered, it quickly spread to other players.

Of course, this was one of the basic mechanics of the game.

Many of the players in the old shops were watching Nalan Mingxue's livestream.

[They said that there are elves. How come I haven't seen any?]

Many people came to the livestream room early, watching the livestream cheerfully while enjoying instant noodles.

Soon, someone answered with a bullet comment.

[Maybe they haven't gotten online yet. Be patient.]

[They're online now! They're online now!]

Nalan Mingxue clicked open the friends list and saw the names of the elves lighting up.

[You guys came early too?] Sala friendly greeted them.

[Yeah. We don't have classes this morning.] Soon, she received Nalan Mingxue's reply.

[Classes?] Sala was curious. [Are you students in an academy? Little Kids. Hehe!]