Leader, how come the milk is green?

The Alliance had the Deadmines, and the Horde had the Wailing Cavern. The alliance had paladins, and the Horde had shamans. Generally, both sides were in a balance.

Since many players had watched the livestream, the system of warriors, mages, and priests spread out, giving the Horde players some good inspirations to pass the seemingly-impossible instance of Wailing Cavern.

On the next day, the Brotherhood assassins who played as rogues began to copy this setup after finding this instance in the territory of the Horde.

The Undead Rogue Harrison yelled standing at the entrance of the Wailing Cavern, "Self-improvement team for the Wailing Cavern is calling for a nanny and a main tank!"

They had obviously heard the terms such as 'main tank' from Mr. Fang and just picked them up.

Nalan Mingxue shouted, "We have a main tank for the Wailing Cavern. We'll begin whenever a nanny joins us!"

- On the side of the Alliance -