The Avengers, and A New Round of Mental Strength Cultivation

"It's said that… people vanished from a few more towns in the Orc Kingdom lately…?"

Not only the orcs players in the shop, but Mercenary Crete who had just entered the shop had heard about the news.

"It seems like the border area of our homeland isn't peaceful lately…" Mr. Dirk was also talking about it with his audience.

"Have they found out what had happened?"

"It seems like not yet."

In the endless void, a huge shadow seemed to be spreading in silence.

Hovering in the dark void, it emitted death and horror that could swallow everything.

As if summoned by something, it got closer and closer to the huge continent.

Sitting in the high and dark void, its huge eye looked down and monitored everything that was happening in the world.

"Ms. Dicas, do you think there really are gods in the world?"