I Thought I’d Wet My Pants in Fear, But I Ended Up Laughing like a Pig?!

"It must be!" Dwarf Elder Sauk had somehow joined the tour group, and he added, "Oh… This must be the most cunning, evil, and powerful god that I've ever seen!"

"Look… even after he was captured by Thor, who is as powerful as him, he looks as if he had everything under control," Adolf said with a nod, "He must have a plan; or he just has no regard for these humans who are extremely weak in his eyes!"

As the movie went on, the Evil God Loki, who had been captured by Thor and the others, was put into a specially-made cell by SHIELD.

The specially-made glass around the cell couldn't be broken by any ordinary person, not even Loki who had obviously lost his strength again.

However, everyone saw that Loki's power went beyond his physical strength. Like a born demon, his words could always lure and bewitch people.

Even without using any force, he seemed to be able to lure anyone who had contact with him to work for him.