You Use Musou. Instead, You Show Us Hide-And-Seek?!

When he was in the Jiuhua City Shop, Mr. Fang had played Silent Hill for a while.

Obviously, that game left a deep impression on the veteran players too.

At that time, Mr. Fang gave a moderate show in which he didn't get lost, but he couldn't show off any special plays.

In fact, some rumors even said that Mr. Fang was so scared afterwards that he was paralyzed by fear and couldn't walk.

To get the desired effects, Sala even asked about it secretly in the group chat. 

The responses were…

Su Tianji said, [Good idea! This will definitely scare the scummy shop owner senseless!]

Nalan Mingxue replied, [I think it can be done!]

Song Qingfeng chimed in, [Awesome! I like your idea!]

Therefore, these elves were confident with their request.

While staring at Mr. Fang with her big eyes, Sala asked him, "What about it? You're afraid?"